Tag Archives: blueberry

What I Ate: Ben & Jerry’s Blueberry Vanilla Graham Greek Frozen Yogurt


Tonight, me and B needed our dessert fix. Smores were boring and overdone, cookies required too much effort, and frozen yogurt by the ounce was too far away.

So we trekked to Walmart, and then Homeland (our local grocery store), because I HAD TO HAVE THIS…

ben and jerrys, frozen yogurt, blueberry, vanilla, graham, food,

I’m a big fan of Greek yogurt, and this did not disappoint. Some bloggers said that there wasn’t enough graham swirl and that the yogurt was too tart, but I thought there was an adequate amount of graham. And I’m used to pay-by-the-ounce tart yogurt, so this was a literally perfect amount of tartness.