Tag Archives: healthy


What I Ate: skinny chicken and gnocchi soup from the Skinny Fork! (Credit at bottom of post, you should definitely check it out!) I subbed frozen organic gnocchi for the pumpkin gnocchi in the recipe and used far less half and half than the recipe called for. Still amazingly filling and delicious.


Bust, part 2


Tips and what I learned from my horrible, truly epic busted run today:

  • You should probably eat before you run.
  • Also, drinking water is important. Do that occasionally.
  • Don’t try and cry while you’re still running. You won’t have enough breath.
  • When you’ve cooled down a bit, then call your mom and cry. Moms are good at listening to people sob incoherently on the phone.
  • I’m really, really thankful and lucky that the worst thing that will happen to me today is that I can’t finish a run. Holy perspective, Batman!
  • Friends are really good at cheering you up when you’re in the deep dark cave of failure, be that running failure or just general all-around epic failure.
  • Go read some running blogs when you’re sad. While you might think it would make you feel worse, I promise that someone is there struggling like you are. It felt good to see that I wasn’t the only one who got all torn up about not completing a training run.
  • Always attempt a long run with more free time ahead of you so that you have time to try, try again. Hopefully in cooler weather with more hydration.

Remember when I busted last time?


Maybe I’m just jinxed. I messed up my 7 miler last training cycle, too….

Fitness Find: Blogilates


Have you guys ever heard of Blogilates? It’s a healthy living blog run by Cassey, who is a Pilates instructor and makes amazing workout videos.

I remember the first Blogilates video I watched- she was doing something called Alphabet Abs and I was totally intrigued. Sadly, I clicked away and forgot about her site until I was looking into DietBet (a weight loss motivator that gives or takes cold hard cash depending on how you perform) and saw that she ran the biggest ever DietBet in the history of the site recently!

Her site is chock-full of interesting healthy living information, exercise plans, and personal stories. My favorites include her first half marathon and this info about ways to feel full even when you’re eating clean!


Photo of the Day: another little what I ate post! A gyro (sans delicious pita bread) with chicken, homemade cucumber yogurt sauce, and veggies. So good.


Photo of the Day: more foods, y’all. On the menu today is a spinach quesadilla and sweet potato fries.


Photo of the Day: lunch from this past week. A turkey burger on toast, vegetable orzo, and a peach!

Grocery Shopping for the Young, Broke, and Health Conscious


Last month, I was able to move into my first ever apartment.

I know you’re all expecting some cute design photos, but unfortunately, this is only a summer gig. My sweet friend E is letting me sublet a room in her apartment while I wander around OKC this summer at my three (!!!) jobs. I don’t see the point in decorating a place that I’ll only be in for 10 weeks, so all my adorable decorating will have to hold tight for a bit.

My first forays into grocery shopping have begun, however, so I’ve decided to keep track of what I buy, what it costs, and where I went. That way, I can try to keep my costs down and inform you all about where to shop and what to buy if you’re a budding semi-organic/peanut-free foodie on a Taco Bell Value Menu budget.

For my first shopping trips, I went to Target, Homeland (local grocery chain), and Sprouts (a new natural foods store). I’ve spent $70 and I think I’ve gotten about 2 weeks worth of groceries.

I bought…

Deli turkey
Fresh baked bread
Baby carrots
3 apples
2 tomatoes
2 frozen burritos (Amy’s and Evol)
2 Chobani yogurts
A bag of grapes
Fresh mozzarella cheese
Laughing cow cheese
Wheat thins
Fruit cups
Salad dressing
2 pack of Justin’s almond butter
Black beans

Sour cream
6 pack of Gatorade

2 organic pastas
2 mangoes

We’ll see how long these last! I will also have posts detailing how my grocery budget has gone down significantly thanks to a growing trend…

Prosperity Place 5k Race Recap


Last night, I got the impulse to search the Dallas race listings while making cookies (what a strange coincidence). I found a 5k happening 15 minutes from my house that had a pretty low entry fee and looked small and cute. You can probably guess what happens next.

I dragged myself out of bed at 7:20 am on a Saturday (the sacrifice all runners must make), threw on a top and my Nike running crops (because I knew they had a little pocket for my car key—necessary when you’re racing alone), found some cash and hit the road to Frisco.

There were less than 150 people running, and this was the first race I’d ever run with velcro, non-throwaway timing chips! I strapped it to my ankle, pinned my bib on straight (which I am a champion at now), and hit the pavement at 8:30 am.

Running such a small race was pretty fun, but I had a few complaints. There were no mile markers, which was bad for me because I pace myself on knowing how much I have left to go. Also, the race results reporting is odd. I saw the time on the clock when I finished…and the official results are like a minute slower? Um. The clock is supposed to be slower? Isn’t your chip time supposed to be the faster one? And here’s a complaint about myself: I went out way too fast because I thought it was a small race and I would have a chance at placing. Which I would have…had I not gone out too fast.

It was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning. Afterward, I showered and my parents and I saw Iron Man 3. It was a good day.

33:19/3.1 miles


Fruit is yummy, colorful, and very easy to snack on. What’s your favorite fruit? Mine is probably a tie between peaches and watermelon. Or maybe raspberries and pineapple. Or pomegranates…yikes.

Apple Pie Cups, or Baby Pies


My roommate BB was not having a good weekend, and I wanted to bake something for her. We’d had brownies twice in the past week. I considered a cake, but didn’t know if the house we’re living in had cake pans. The house did, however, have a muffin tin.

Get your umbrellas. It’s a brainstorm, y’all!

I chopped apples and added them to the ingredients in my mom’s apple pie filling recipe: 1/3 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, a bit of butter. They hung out on the stove while I rolled out store bought dough (lazy foodie alert), cut out circles, and situated them in the muffin tin. Then, I filled the dough cups with filling and made a quick lattice crust with the small amount of dough I had left. Popped those suckers in the oven at 400 degrees for about 12 minutes and presto!

apple, pie, filling, muffin, dessert, baking, food,

They were total deliciousness. And only 125 calories each (I did the math)!