Tag Archives: housekeeping


I’m back, readers! I had a lovely, low-key New Years Eve, complete with a French film, frozen yogurt, and lighting lots of stuff on fire.



Tomorrow, I’m going to be the only one in the DFW airport. (But if you see someone with a Vera Bradley duffel who looks really tired, that’s probs me.)

I got a cheap flight to see my mom for Christmas! Cue the “awwwws”.

Mom lives on a farm. No internet/cable/satellite/Lady Gaga.

Therefore, updates will be slim to none.

I will be returning December 31, because of course you guys want to see what I’m wearing for New Year’s Eve, right?!

Have a very merry Christmas.

Enjoy your family, enjoy your food, enjoy your whatever-makes-you-happy.

I’ll see you in the almost-2012.

Well, this is awkward.


So, I’m safe and well and back in the land of debt ceilings, partisan politics and cowboy hats.

For serious, my new favorite thing about Texas is people wearing cowboy hats. I had at least 5 of them. On my flight from London. Meaning that they had been wearing them in London. Texan/cowboy pride knows no borders, people!

Anyway, I totes meant to blog when I was overseas, but you all know what happens when you make plans: God laughs, and is all “Hah! You thought you would have time for this! Heavens no! Haha, I made a little joke there! Heavens no! I’m such a funny, awesome God.”

Long story short, I’m back, y’all.

New and improved


If you would like more information about me, my work, my university, and if I’m available to write awesome, engaging content for your newspaper/website/blog (hint: I AM), you can check out my new Resume page on the left sidebar!

Gone country.


In case you’re wondering why I haven’t been reblogging like a superstar today, it’s because I’m visiting my mama, who lives like a cavewoman without Internet and cable.

Pray for me, y’all.

Don’t forget about my special announcement tomorrow!