Tag Archives: photography


Photo of the Day: Fireworks from a Texas Rangers game.


Photo of the Day: From my sorority’s senior night. Happy Founder’s Day, Alpha Gams!


Photo of the Day: Love these shoes that a sorority sister gave me! So comfortable. And pink?! Yes.

Photography note: I’m not sure how I feel about the focus being so low in this picture…I don’t think I remember necessarily going for that when I took the picture, but it’s an interesting picture just the same.

See more Photos of the Day here!


Photo of the Day: More foooood from my internship’s banquet. I ate like 10 of these while shooting pictures. No shame. 

Want to creep more on my little life?

See more Photos of the Day here!


Photo of the Day: Did you know the Slurpee toppers fit on the Big Gulp cup? It took me 4 days to drink this.

See more Photos of the Day here!


Photo of the Day: Sometimes mirror self portraits are cheesy. And then sometimes they turn out like this.

See more Photos of the Day here.




IKEA is on an innovative roll these days and have just announce the KNÄPPA flat-pack cardboard digital camera. The KNÄPPA the flat-pack cardboard digital camera (made out one a single folded piece of cardboard) runs on two AA batteries and can hold up to 40 pictures of 2.3 megapixels.

It also has a swing-out USB plug, viewfinder cutout, shutter key and paperclip-friendly erase button. The camera will be handed out for free to all customers who purchase anything from their PS Furniture Collection.

Check out the video (above) for more info! Pretty cool, no?

Kate and I are Ikea connoisseurs! We will buy this posthaste.


Photo of the Day: Friends at my sorority’s International Reunion Day. Can we talk about how beautiful the lighting + my new 50mm f/1.8 lens makes everyone look?!


Photo of the Day: Me…feeding a very hungry, very unafraid of jumping at me goat at Maymont in Richmond, VA.